- Frankincense and Myrrh are aromatic resins obtained from certain trees: when slicing their bark, "teardrops" of sap will trickle and dry. Used as perfume, incense and medicine for millennia, they still have religious significance for many churches. They were the prophetic, kingly gifts the Wise Men offered Jesus on his birth, together with gold. Their delightful fragrances link to divinity, purity, holiness; they are devoutly used in prayer, worship, offerings, blessing and consecration rituals
- Based in Israel, we blend extra virgin olive oil, made by a local press from trees in Jerusalem and the Judea Mountains, with 100% natural essential oils & fragrances. We mix and bottle them by hand in our workshop to produce premium quality anointing oils. We don the prayer shawl to bless the clear/blue 7.5, 10, 30, 100, 250ml bottles before shipment, in our aim to rebuild the spiritual walls of the heart, temple of intimacy with God
- Anointing with oils is frequently mentioned in the Bible. In Exodus 30:23-33 God instructs Moses to mix olive oil with 4 aromatic ingredients to make a holy anointing oil, used to honor, empower or sanctify priests, prophets and kings, and to dedicate objects for sacred purposes. Many Christian churches (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox etc.) still use holy anointing oils, symbol of the Holy Spirit, in important ceremonies. Both the Greek 'Christ' and the Hebrew 'Messiah' mean 'the Anointed One'.